OkCupid Dataset
Book a callWe first need to merge some classes of features into broader classes. That way, we can better capture the big picture in the plots we generate.
import os
import pandas as pd
DATING_PATH = os.path.join("datasets", "dating")
def load_dating_data(dating_path=DATING_PATH):
csv_path = os.path.join(dating_path, "male_straight_data_with_classified_columns.csv")
return pd.read_csv(csv_path)
dating_data = load_dating_data()
print(f"\nTotal entries in the dataset: {len(dating_data)}")
target_columns = ['status', 'offspring']
print("\nValue counts for specified columns:")
for column in target_columns:
if column in dating_data.columns:
print(f"\n{column} value counts:")
print(f"\nWarning: {column} not found in the dataset.")
print(f"\nTotal entries in the dataset: {len(dating_data)}")
print("\nNumber of non-missing rows per column:")
for column in dating_data.columns:
non_missing_count = dating_data[column].notna().sum()
print(f"{column}: {non_missing_count} non-missing rows")
Below are the possible values for "offspring":
offspring value counts:
NaN 18927
doesn't have kids 4192
doesn't have kids, but might want them 2128
doesn't have kids, but wants them 1622
doesn't want kids 1228
has kids 912
has a kid 835
doesn't have kids, and doesn't want any 519
has kids, but doesn't want more 180
has a kid, and might want more 139
might want kids 98
has a kid, but doesn't want more 93
wants kids 77
has kids, and might want more 67
has a kid, and wants more 44
has kids, and wants more 12
Name: count, dtype: int64
We need to classify offspring based on specific rules.
We use this classification map to classify all possible entry values for offspring:
The logic is that 0 is assigned to people with no children, 1 is assigned to people with one kid, and 2 is assigned to people with at least two kids.
classification_map = {
"doesn't have kids": 0,
"doesn't have kids, but might want them": 0,
"doesn't have kids, but wants them": 0,
"doesn't want kids": 0,
"doesn't have kids, and doesn't want any": 0,
"might want kids": 0,
"wants kids": 0,
"has a kid": 1,
"has a kid, and might want more": 1,
"has a kid, but doesn't want more": 1,
"has a kid, and wants more": 1,
"has kids": 2,
"has kids, but doesn't want more": 2,
"has kids, and might want more": 2,
"has kids, and wants more": 2,
We execute the code below to generate the new column that broadens the categories. This permits us to have a lower number of groups in total. The new groups are sufficiently distinctive from one another, so the loss in terms of specificity is not as lost:
import os
import pandas as pd
# Define the path to the dataset folder
DATING_PATH = os.path.join("datasets", "dating/copies2")
# Function to load the dataset (male-only, straight)
def load_dating_data(dating_path=DATING_PATH):
csv_path = os.path.join(dating_path, "copy1_male_straight_data_with_classified_columns.csv")
return pd.read_csv(csv_path)
# Function to classify offspring based on your provided rules
def classify_offspring(offspring):
if pd.isna(offspring):
return float('nan') # Keep NaN as is
# Mapping specific offspring values to corresponding classifications
classification_map = {
"doesn't have kids": 0,
"doesn't have kids, but might want them": 0,
"doesn't have kids, but wants them": 0,
"doesn't want kids": 0,
"doesn't have kids, and doesn't want any": 0,
"might want kids": 0,
"wants kids": 0,
"has a kid": 1,
"has a kid, and might want more": 1,
"has a kid, but doesn't want more": 1,
"has a kid, and wants more": 1,
"has kids": 2,
"has kids, but doesn't want more": 2,
"has kids, and might want more": 2,
"has kids, and wants more": 2,
# Standardizing the input string to match the keys in the map
offspring = offspring.strip().lower()
# Return the corresponding classification or NaN if not found
return classification_map.get(offspring, float('nan'))
# Load the dataset
male_data = load_dating_data()
# Apply the offspring classification and add it as a new column
male_data['classified_offspring'] = male_data['offspring'].apply(classify_offspring)
# Save the updated dataset with the new column
output_path = os.path.join(DATING_PATH, "copy2_male_straight_data_with_classified_columns_classify_offspring.csv")
male_data.to_csv(output_path, index=False)
print(f"Dataset with classified offspring saved to: {output_path}")
We now need to classify "status", and these are the possible values for "status":
status value counts:
single 29163
available 899
seeing someone 854
married 152
unknown 5
Name: count, dtype: int64
We use this classification map to classify all possible entry values for status based on specific rules.
The logic is that 0 is assigned to singles. 1 is assigned to people with a status of 'available.' The status 'available' implies not being single and being open to mating options.
'Seeing someone' and 'married' both mean that someone is consistently engaging with a partner; therefore, a label of 2 will be assigned.
classification_map = {
"single": 0,
"available": 1,
"seeing someone": 2,
"married": 2,
"unknown": float('nan') # Handle unknown cases as NaN
We execute the code below to generate the new column of numbered statuses:
import os
import pandas as pd
# Define the path to the dataset folder
DATING_PATH = os.path.join("datasets", "dating/copies2")
# Function to load the dataset (male-only, straight)
def load_dating_data(dating_path=DATING_PATH):
csv_path = os.path.join(dating_path, "copy2_male_straight_data_with_classified_columns_classify_offspring.csv")
return pd.read_csv(csv_path)
# Function to classify status based on the provided mapping
def classify_status(status):
if pd.isna(status):
return float('nan') # Keep NaN as is
# Mapping specific status values to corresponding classifications
classification_map = {
"single": 0,
"available": 1,
"seeing someone": 2,
"married": 2,
"unknown": float('nan') # Handle unknown cases as NaN
# Standardizing the input string to match the keys in the map
status = status.strip().lower()
# Return the corresponding classification or NaN if not found
return classification_map.get(status, float('nan'))
# Load the dataset
male_data = load_dating_data()
# Apply the status classification and add it as a new column
male_data['classified_status'] = male_data['status'].apply(classify_status)
# Save the updated dataset with the new column
output_path = os.path.join(DATING_PATH,"copy3_male_straight_data_with_classified_columns_classify_offspring_classified_status.csv")
male_data.to_csv(output_path, index=False)
print(f"Dataset with classified status saved to: {output_path}")
We study the correlations of the label (mating_success) vs other features (age, classified_ethnicity, height, income, classified_body_type, classified_drinks, classified_smokes, classified_drugs, classified_religion, classified_speaks) to understand the data we have.
The label is called 'mating_success' and scales from 0 to 6.
The label is computed based on the value of the entries' offspring' and 'status' features. These features are crucial in understanding the individual's family and relationship status, which can significantly influence their mating success.
Below is the code used to compute the label's (mating_success) value:
import os
import pandas as pd
# Define the path to the dataset folder
DATING_PATH = os.path.join("datasets", "dating/copies2")
# Function to load the dataset (male-only, straight)
def load_dating_data(dating_path=DATING_PATH):
csv_path = os.path.join(dating_path, "copy3_male_straight_data_with_classified_columns_classify_offspring_classified_status.csv")
return pd.read_csv(csv_path)
# Function to compute mating_success based on the specified logic
def compute_mating_success(row):
status = row['classified_status']
offspring = row['classified_offspring']
# Handle cases based on the new logic
if pd.isna(status) and pd.isna(offspring):
return float('nan')
elif pd.isna(status) and not pd.isna(offspring):
return offspring * 2
elif not pd.isna(status) and pd.isna(offspring):
if status == 0:
return float('nan') # status is 0 -> mating_success is NaN
elif status == 1:
return 1 # status is 1 -> mating_success is 1
elif status == 2:
return 2 # status is 2 -> mating_success is 2
# If both status and offspring are present
return status + offspring * 2
# Load the dataset
male_data = load_dating_data()
# Apply the function to calculate mating_success
male_data['mating_success'] = male_data.apply(compute_mating_success, axis=1)
# Save the updated dataset with the new column
output_path = os.path.join(DATING_PATH, "copy4_classified_features_classified_label.csv")
male_data.to_csv(output_path, index=False)
print(f"Dataset with mating_success saved to: {output_path}")
The first features to check correlations with the label will be height, income, and age.
import os
import pandas as pd
# Define the path where the dataset is located
DATING_PATH = "/Users/Zouhir/Documents/UQO_AUT2024/INF6333_code/book_aurelien_geron/chapter2/datasets/dating/copies"
def load_dating_data(dating_path=DATING_PATH):
Load the dating data from a CSV file.
csv_path = os.path.join(dating_path, "copy4_mating_success_1.csv")
return pd.read_csv(csv_path)
# Load the dating data
dating = load_dating_data()
# Select only numeric columns from the dating DataFrame
numeric_dating = dating.select_dtypes(include=[float, int])
# Calculate the correlation matrix
corr_matrix = numeric_dating.corr()
# Display the correlations with 'median_house_value', sorted in descending order
mating_success 1.000000
classified_offspring 0.966118
age 0.477575
classified_status 0.378283
income 0.021577
height 0.008759
Name: mating_success, dtype: float64
Age is the most correlated factor with mating success, out of age, income, and height.
This code analyzes how various features correlate with the mating_success label. It loads a dataset containing information on individuals, such as their age, ethnicity, height, income, and lifestyle factors, and splits the features into numeric and categorical types for separate analysis.
For numeric features (like age, height, and income), the code generates scatter plots against the mating_success label, helping to visualize potential correlations. For categorical features, it calculates normalized proportions to account for class imbalances and displays the distribution of mating_success across each category using stacked bar plots. Additionally, it plots the mean mating success for each category to highlight differences in average outcomes across feature classes.
This analysis provides a structured visual approach to explore how different features may impact or correlate with mating_success, offering insights into patterns within the dataset.
# Analyse data of people with all types of mating success or not with proportions per class taken into account
import os
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# Load the dataset
DATING_PATH = os.path.join("datasets", "dating/copies3")
def load_dating_data(dating_path=DATING_PATH):
csv_path = os.path.join(dating_path, "5_classified_features_needed_label.csv")
return pd.read_csv(csv_path)
dating_data = load_dating_data()
# Print the columns to verify
# Define the label and features
label = 'mating_success'
features = ['age', 'classified_ethnicity', 'height', 'income',
'classified_body_type', 'classified_drinks', 'classified_smokes', 'classified_drugs',
'classified_religion', 'classified_speaks']
if label in dating_data.columns:
# Separate numeric and categorical features for different plotting methods
numeric_features = ['age', 'height', 'income']
categorical_features = [feature for feature in features if feature not in numeric_features]
# Plot numeric features vs. label with scatter plots
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5 * len(numeric_features)))
for i, feature in enumerate(numeric_features, 1):
plt.subplot(len(numeric_features), 1, i)
sns.scatterplot(data=dating_data, x=feature, y=label, alpha=0.5)
plt.title(f'Scatter Plot of {feature} vs. {label}')
# Plot categorical features with normalized counts (proportions)
for feature in categorical_features:
# Calculate proportions
prop_df = dating_data.groupby([feature, label]).size().unstack(fill_value=0)
prop_df = prop_df.div(prop_df.sum(axis=1), axis=0) # Normalize by row
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
prop_df.plot(kind="bar", stacked=True, ax=plt.gca(), colormap="viridis")
plt.title(f'Proportion Plot of {feature} by {label}')
# Plot mean `mating_success` for each category
for feature in categorical_features:
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
mean_df = dating_data.groupby(feature)[label].mean().sort_values()
sns.barplot(x=mean_df.index, y=mean_df.values)
plt.title(f'Mean {label} by {feature}')
plt.ylabel(f'Mean {label}')
print(f"Warning: '{label}' column is missing from the dataset.")
Note that the feature 'mating sucess' captures more of the person's ability to consolidate a long term relationship, and child, as opposed to 'casual hookups'.
Throughout the data we see a vast majority of males not being able to secure nor long term relationships, nor progeny, which is quite sad state of affaires. Societal dysfunctional mindsets (accentuated by mass media deliberate propagation of dysfunctional information and concepts) and political leadership could be the source of this.
If socially acceptable statuses like being in relation, and having a child are achievable by small portion of males, we can conjecture that even smaller proportions engage in less socially expectable sexual relationships.
Mating success tends to increase with age, peaking in middle age.
This could be due to greater maturity, stability, or experience that may attract more partners.
There is a slight positive correlation between height and mating success.
Taller individuals may be perceived as more attractive due to societal preferences for height.
Higher-income shows a weak correlation with mating success.
Financial stability might contribute to higher attractiveness, but it's not the sole factor in mating success.
Ethnicities with significantly higher proportions of mating success in California are Whites, Pacific Islanders, and Blacks.
Ethnicities with significantly lower proportions of mating success in California are Indians, Middle Easterners, and Asians.
Cultural disparity could be one of the many driving forces for these results.
Also, different behaviours (between ethnicities), media, and politically driven depictions of ethnic groups could explain such results.
Body composition does not strongly affect having a 'partner' or 'kid.' However, bodies with 'dad bods' (not fit) have positive potential in terms of mating success.
We can suggest that muscular and fit body types are more positively correlated with hookup culture. However, this needs different data analyses to be confirmed.
Degenerate behaviours like drinking, smoking and drug use seem to be negatively correlated with mating success.
People adopting Hindu and Islamic spiritual beliefs seem to be the least able to secure long-term relations and progeny in California.
The plots below speak for themselves.
These results could trend to magnify if the votes were not self disclosed but were more factual. This conjecture needs to be proven with more factual data.