What is Law ?


What is Law ?

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Published: Sep 6, 2024 Edited: Sep 6, 2024

My definition of law

Law is a list of best practice processes and permissible or unpermissible practices.

Law is then an identifiable series of codes or commands that gets executed by law enforcers. These enforcers manufacture abiding citizens through the threat of physical or monetary means. i.e. privation of liberty, expropriation of any form of property, and fines. Law is one of many instruments to dominate in a virtue signaling fashion. Law is also critical to maintaining civilization and is a form of legitimate violence.

Abstract representation of law showing a blindfolded Lady Justice holding scales and a sword, overlaid with digital code. In the background are legal books, documents, and a gavel, symbolizing the intersection of law and technology.

The Legacy realm

Sigmund Freud talks about this idea of sublimation. Where men's energy is directed towards deeds for the means of the end to procreate.

This concept is the cornerstone of human civilization because it pushes man to produce goods in exchange for resources. Therefore the world being a zero-sum game, Formal law's purpose in these modern times, is to extricate physical abundance from the masses and reinforce the position of those at the top of the hierarchy.

Because of men's competitive nature, our legacy legislative structures have been split into 2: The Formal, and Informal.

Both are focused on the physical realm. The formal justice system because of factors like: semantics, social positioning and sophism is in reality designed to impede the laymen to challenge the status quo. Whereas the informal justice system is designed to facilitate those well-positioned to rule the rules, that the layman is required to abide by.

Symbolic illustration of the evolution of law. On the left side, traditional law is represented by parchment, a quill, and scales of justice. On the right side, modern law is depicted with a digital tablet, coding symbols, and technological imagery, transitioning from an old courtroom setting to a virtual environment.


In 2023, through principles, values and tools. One can propel their position to the top tier. Thanks to an unregulated and ever-changing new realm that showed up in the 1990s, called the internet, the average Joe can exploit this system to get ahead.