Explaining Funnels Through Proper Questions
Book a callTo a simple question, I'll give a simple answer.
The eyeballs are controlled by big tech corporations i.e. Google, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, etc.
Your job is simply to divert those big platform's users to your URL, landing page, website or whatever you want to call it. This leads to a tenet to making money online i.e. Garner attention.
This is the main focus of the billions-of-dollar industry known as Marketing. Now from this point, I can go into a trillion rabbit holes to explain how I would ideally proceed.
The path depends on your strengths and the platforms you decide to use, as they provide different functionality and cater to different needs, therefore I will not get into the weeds and simply give you directions to where to head out in your conquest to making money online. As long as you stick to posting high-quality content, you'll make it.
Simply put, if your a photographer, start posting professional photos on instagram. If you do copywrite, start a wordpress blog. If your a video editor, start a youtube channel. Try to align your skills to the platform you're trying to generate traffic from. Remember to focus on:
1. Generating exceptionally hight quality content, because of the winner takes all effect
2. Make your content depending on search query volume. Start posting on topics with small search volumes. Remember to have small expectations when starting, and target higher search volumes as you go.