In this era, one, of many challenges, is to facillitate comunications between computers and humans. e.g. The fact there are so many no code tools out there is a testimony to the fact.
Because of the complexity and sofistication of computers, some personality types disregard it's power and capabilities. Most of them happen to be in the field of politics.
This is positive, as the field stays un-hindered by empty suites with small pewees obstructing mass progress and societal shifts. The computer software industry is completly open for all to join, as long as one pocesses a computer and internet connection.
Because of it's low barrier to entry, and the non existence of some type of buraucratie, the number of computer programmers is growing exponentially.
The Digital realm has become the series of commands we all subliminally abide by, by executing it. Without having identified it's power on our daily digital lives, it becomes difficult to make informed decisions.
Whether you are concsious of it or not, on a daily basis, you are executing thousands of lines of code, if not more, while working on you computer. The question becomes, is the code you are utilizing benefiting your bank balance or wasting you time on trivial maters?
The expression, 'If it is free, you are the product', is a truthful one. This applies to the software you utilize
Ever since the creation of the computer code, men utilize series of computer commands more and more.
Code has thus become jurisdiction in the digital realm, as it dictates what is, and what is not possible.
This jusrisdiction is either enforced by tech giants or small paid services 24/7. In 2023 a developer at Meta is now equivelent to a law maker in the 1970s.
To illustrate this, Instagram and Tiktok now made it a requirement for it's users to have 1,000 followers in order to display and properly render a link in one's bio.
So, one has to wonder, as some are being priviledged in the legacy jurisdiction, how can one join the club of privileged players with this tech wild west jurisdiction 2.0.
To conclude, I invite you to what I consider the most powerful software to utilize today, and to completely disregard software platforms that do not benefit you. With the will of the All Mighty, you can make a shift in your life.